lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015

Sixth Post

Hello classmates and teacher!
Today I would like to talk about an artist that interests me a lot.
 I don`t have a favorite artist because I think it's difficult choose only one. Now I remember many artists that i like it, but these last weeks I have been specially thinking about an artist, Francis Bacon.
He was one of the most important contemporary painters and their works I'm interested in his imagination, his pictorial esthetic and strength.
One of his more important works is "Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion" of 1944, where we can see some figures full of expression and that mean something to us.
I don`t have a favorite work of this artist, because all his works is a mystery to me.  All his canvases reflect the human nature, where the characters are feeling stuffed animals. Why his work revolutionized painting, doing his job one more important twentieth century.
His works are not made with a formula but with its own language, that's what I like most.

I invite you to look at your work, it's amazing,

See you in class


3 comentarios:

  1. I know, it's difficult choose only artist. Woa Francis Bacon, it's a little bit weird who painted the skin, but I like it.

  2. WOW!!!!! their figures are traslucid...I even can see a vertebral column in one of those paintings...Excelent choice!!!!

  3. Bacon is the best... i really like too.
