martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

The Semester

Hi classmate  and teacher!

In this post I would like to talk about the semester (chan-chan!)
Well, this semester was very strange for the strike. Always that stop the class all is different, because all is more slow and lose it the rhythm is so easy. And then we have to come back and finish faster the semester. this is 
I don´t like to finish  like that, because when the things end faster, we don`t  make a good job. l like work with calm, because I can think more about my work. I don`t like the idea of finish work for one mark.  I believe that is imposible to call the art with a mark, because the art is subjective for that reason we should take with calm and make a good work. And stop the semester signify finish it faster :( and it`s so sad...
there other reason why this semester was strange and it`s because this is us penultimate semester and I can feeling scare in the air jajajaj
I like think that all finish some day, and make me feel better. I belive that each thing has its time and
everything happens. only we should do what we want :)

martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

"A day in a life"

Is difficult choose only one day, but I try... I remember a trip that I had five years ago.  I traveled to Peru with my best friend, Camila.  And one of the best things about this trip was that we did by plane. It was incredible time, look at all from above, the earth, the clouds, it`s all so small and big in the same time, it`s beautiful. I always remember this trip because it was the first time that I flying and I was so far from home and I felt so good. What I remember most about this trip was as roads were seen from the sky , seemed veins and thought are all so close , it was great feel and that day felt more at home than ever why I remember it as one of the best days of my life.                    

domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015

I Like Films

Hi classmate, 
Today I would like to talk about the films that I like (and others that not much).
I love films, because they are different views of life, allowing us to have different point of view.
I like many types of films; Drama, Terror, Comedy, etc.  But me prefers is the drama and comedy. This blend is very good because after to see a drama film, I like see to comedy because help me to relax and make me feel better. I guess that is how I like to understand life and be on both sides of the sidewalk. 

Also I like to art cinema films, because this films is make with a different language, in my opinion is a special  language maybe more expressive than all other  types of films. In this type of films my favourite director is “The Master” Andrèi Tarkovski because his films are intimate and mysterious. For me, he created visual metaphorsabout inside of human it´s so interesting and also the photograpy  of his films is beautiful.

Is difficult for me to say which is my favourite film, because I like many films but I`m going to tell you about the last film I saw, because I like so much. This is an animation film and its name is “Las trillizas de Belleville”. I always that remember it recommend all my friends this film because is enteresting and funny. This film condense all emotions of its specials personage.

And respect of "the hated films", I don`t hate any film but if some ...I never see them twice, and one
of this films are "Salò" (120 dias de sodoma), this movie has a important critics about that what is capable to do a person with power. And until where can arrive? but scenes are so violent that hurt see it. this film are interesting but so aggressive.

martes, 4 de agosto de 2015


How Green are you?
I´m not Green every day of my life, but I would like to be more. I think that it´s one of things most important for keep the nature. I think should teach us to be more Green since children in the school. Because now is more difficult learn to do it. But we have begin with little actions.
Do you recycle?
I don’t recycle always but I try. In home sometimes I recycle things that my mom throw out, because I Like to save trash and it`s a really problem when my room is full. I think that everything can be served in some moment for a work or something. Also I recycle materials of my workshop (paper, cardboard and anything that demonstrates). I will tell you a confession , sometimes I pick up trash people leave outside their homes . I think people throw things that are still useful for some.
I like so much the concept of recycle because I think that this follows the logic of the transformation of material, so that it continue its cycle.
What do you do to Prevent Pollution?

Not much…but I try to take care the energy of places where I go. Whether water, electricity or gas. Also, I try don’t  take out the trash on roads or waterways. I try to walk respecting the nature, but I know that she need a little help.